Final Frontiers Foundation, Inc.

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This search page is designed to help you find a preacher in need. Just enter in as much information as you like, for example if you wish to find preachers who we currently sponsor who live in India, then all you need to do is go down to the country select box and select India and then click search.

! Click here to see our preachers who urgently need a sponsorship !

Urgent need of support
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Preacher Kouame Kakou Jerome

Wife: Saih Padre Solange
Children: 3
Country: Ivory Coast

Needs additional support
What is a sponsorship?

   In 1982, during my military services, I was invited by a friend to a Christmas program.At that very day, December 24, 1982, as the pastor was preaching, I was seared by the Holy Spirit and I instantly received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. My wife attended church on very ordinary Sunday and because of the simple way in which Pastor Konan Emile preached the message of Jesus, she accepted Jesus as her Savior

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