Final Frontiers Foundation, Inc.

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James Muthama Tangira

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Country: Kenya
Wife's Name: Veronica W
Children: 9
Support Application
Support Application

   One day a missionary named Jerry Daniels came to my home and led me to Christ. At first my wife was an obstacle to me, because she did not want Christ in her, but now she too is saved and she is a great helper to me in the ministry.

   I serve not only as a pastor, but also in evangelism, open-air meetings, and tribal work and as a Bible school teacher.

   I am able to speak three languages, and have had 550 saved and 420 baptized so far.

   Because our people and we are so poor, I am forced to work on a farm for thirty hours each week. Your generous support will enable me to be full time in the ministry, so that 1 can do more for the Lord, while being able to provide for my family . Thank You!

Report Files

Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.

Apr 1993 - Jun 1993Jul 1993 - Sep 1993Oct 1993 - Dec 1993
Jan 1994 - Mar 1994Apr 1994 - Jun 1994Jul 1994 - Sep 1994
Oct 1994 - Dec 1994Jan 1995 - Mar 1995Apr 1995 - Jun 1995
Jul 1995 - Sep 1995Oct 1995 - Dec 1995Jan 1996 - Apr 1996
May 1996 - Aug 1996Jul 1996 - Sep 1996Sep 1996 - Dec 1996
May 1997 - Aug 1997Sep 1997 - Dec 1997Jan 1998 - Apr 1998
May 1998 - Aug 1998Sep 1998 - Dec 1998Jan 1999 - Apr 1999
May 1999 - Aug 1999Sep 1999 - Dec 1999Jan 2000 - Apr 2000
Sep 2000 - Dec 2000Jan 2001 - Apr 2001May 2001 - Aug 2001
Sep 2001 - Dec 2001Sep 2001 - Dec 2001Jan 2002 - Apr 2002
May 2002 - Aug 2002Sep 2002 - Dec 2002Sep 2004 - Dec 2004
Jan 2005 - Apr 2005Jan 2006 - Apr 2006Jan 2006 - Apr 2006
May 2007 - Aug 2007May 2007 - Aug 2007May 2007 - Aug 2007
May 2007 - Aug 2007Sep 2007 - Dec 2007Jan 2008 - Apr 2008
May 2008 - Aug 2008Sep 2008 - Dec 2008Jan 2009 - Apr 2009
May 2009 - Aug 2009Sep 2009 - Dec 2009Jan 2010 - Apr 2010
May 2010 - Aug 2010Sep 2010 - Dec 2010Jan 2011 - Apr 2011
May 2011 - Aug 2011Sep 2011 - Dec 2011Jan 2012 - Apr 2012
May 2012 - Aug 2012Sep 2012 - Dec 2012Jan 2013 - Apr 2013
May 2013 - Aug 2013Sep 2013 - Dec 2013Jan 2014 - Apr 2014
May 2014 - Aug 2014Sep 2014 - Dec 2014Jan 2015 - Apr 2015
May 2015 - Aug 2015Sep 2015 - Dec 2015Jan 2016 - Mar 2016
Apr 2016 - Jun 2016Jul 2016 - Sep 2016Oct 2016 - Dec 2016
Jan 2017 - Mar 2017Apr 2017 - Jun 2017Jul 2017 - Sep 2017
Oct 2017 - Dec 2017Jan 2018 - Mar 2018Apr 2018 - Jun 2018
Jul 2018 - Sep 2018Oct 2018 - Dec 2018Jan 2019 - Mar 2019
Apr 2019 - Jun 2019Jul 2019 - Sep 2019Oct 2019 - Dec 2019
Jan 2020 - Mar 2020Apr 2020 - Jun 2020Jul 2020 - Sep 2020
Oct 2020 - Dec 2020Jan 2021 - Mar 2021Apr 2021 - Jun 2021
Jul 2021 - Sep 2021Oct 2021 - Dec 2021Jan 2022 - Mar 2022
Apr 2022 - Jun 2022Jul 2022 - Sep 2022Oct 2022 - Dec 2022
Jan 2023 - Mar 2023Apr 2023 - Jun 2023Jul 2023 - Sep 2023
Oct 2023 - Dec 2023Jan 2024 - Mar 2024

To date this preacher has:

Churches Started18
Villages Evangelized412
Professions of Faith2833
Believers Baptized1853
What do these mean?

To view these Report Files you will need to download the Adobe Acrobat Viewer. You can download it by clicking the logo above.

Preacher Martin Juma Wamalwa

Wife: Christine Nasimiyu
Children: 9
Country: Kenya

Needs additional support
What is a sponsorship?

      It was Sunday the 23rd of August 1981, when I went to a service at the Sango Baptist Church. The preacher spoke from the book of Romans. I felt guilty to know that I was a sinner. That day I confessed, repented, then accepted Jesus as my Personal Savior. I remained in the church for teaching. In 1986, my heart told me my friends and fellow villagers were dying in sin so I wanted to help them know Jesus Christ. I went for 3 years of doctrinal training in the Eldoret Bible Institute.

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© 1986 - 2018 Final Frontiers Foundation, Inc.